This is a part of the Facebook ad posted by Rep.Nick Langworthy (R-NY23)
The Facebook Ad Posted by Rep.Nick Langworthy (R-NY23)
This is a picture of New York's 23rd Congressional District Representative Nick Langworthy
Rep. Nick Langworthy R-NY23

Nick Langworthy is the far-right Republican representative of New York’s 23rd Congressional District, located in the state’s Southern Tier. He leveraged his position as Chair of the New York Republican Committee and dark money contributions to secure the Republican nomination and ultimately win the 23rd district seat in the last election. NY23 is classified as a “solid Republican” district—rated R+12 by the Cook Political Report. According to Cook, “solid” indicates that “these races are not considered competitive and are unlikely to become closely contested.”

By contrast, the NY22nd district centered around Syracuse and Utica is rated as “lean Democrat” with a D+1 designation, making it the only competitive race in Western New York and the only sear in the entire country to go from Republican to Democratic. Republican Brandon Williams currently holds it.

Langworthy faces no serious challenge from his Democratic opponent, Tom Carle, in his re-election bid. The combination of a solidly Republican district and the lack of a severe electoral threat frees Langworthy to make misleading statements about the national political landscape without fear of repercussions at the ballot box.

But why, you might ask, is an upstate New York congressman who is in the midst of his own re-election campaign using resources to attack the top of the opposition ticket? The answer lies in Langworthy’s longstanding loyalty to former President Trump. Langworthy endorsed Trump even before his 2016 presidential campaign and was a member of Trump’s Presidential Transition Team, serving alongside Trump’s own children. Langworthy’s ambitions extend beyond merely representing his congressional district; he is angling for a prominent position in a future Trump administration, where he would help implement the draconian policies of Project 2025.

Langworthy made several misleading statements about Vice President Kamala Harris in a Facebook political advertisement shown above.

Upon reading the Facebook ad, one might assume that Langworthy is solely responsible for attacking Vice President Harris. However, this is not the case. Langworthy’s Facebook attack is just one small part of a much larger Republican campaign against the first woman of color to run for President of the United States. These attacks originate with the Trump campaign and are orchestrated by Trump campaign co-chair Chris “Swiftboat” LaCivita.  Mr. LaCivita is credited with developing the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth campaign against Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry, which impugned his heroism during the Vietnam War and was a factor in his electoral loss to George Bush.

Donald Trump After Conviction Announced
Donald Trump After Conviction Announced
This is a picture of Chris LaCivita
Chris La Civita

Misleading Statement #1: VP Harris supported bloated government spending leading to record inflation.

The Truth:  The COVID-19 pandemic triggered one of the most severe global economic downturns since the Great Depression. Both the Trump and then the Biden administrations enacted stimulus packages, approved by a Republican-controlled Senate and a Democratic-controlled House, to prevent the economy from collapsing. These measures averted another Great Depression.

Republicans frequently cite the economic stimulus in the American Rescue Plan as an example of “bloated” spending they claim is responsible for inflation. However, this plan provided essential relief to millions of Americans grappling with the economic fallout of the pandemic. It included funding for vaccine distribution, extended unemployment benefits, and direct payments to individuals, all aimed at stabilizing the economy during an unprecedented crisis. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the American Rescue Plan was a key driver of the current economic recovery.

Inflation surged around the world, not just in the United States, due to supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic, a surge in consumer demand as economies reopened, and significant energy price increases driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

This is a picture of a soup kitchen during the Great Depression
The American Rescue Plan Avoided a Second Great Depression

The primary tool for managing inflation is monetary policy controlled by the Federal Reserve—not the White House. The Fed adjusts interest rates and controls the money supply to keep inflation in check. Throughout 2022 and 2023, the Fed aggressively raised interest rates to beat down inflation, even as Republicans criticized these necessary rate increases.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act’s investments in infrastructure, healthcare, and education strengthened the U.S. economy by creating jobs, improving productivity, and enhancing the nation’s competitiveness. These investments are crucial for sustaining economic growth and stability, which help keep inflation in check by boosting the economy’s capacity.

Vice President Harris’s support for these policies has been critical in bolstering American families and the economy during an unprecedented crisis, with a focus on ensuring long-term economic health and stability.

Misleading Statement #2: VP Harris led the disastrous border policies allowing criminals and deadly drugs into the US as the Border Czar.


The Truth: This claim is factually incorrect. Vice President Harris has never been the “Border Czar.” That’s a label maliciously applied to her by Republicans to deflect attention from their own failures at the border.

President Biden tasked Vice President Harris with addressing the root causes of migration from Central America, not managing the U.S. southern border. Her mission was to focus on diplomatic and strategic efforts aimed at the root causes – poverty, violence, and corruption in countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. By fostering partnerships and improving conditions, Harris worked to mitigate the factors driving migration to the U.S., easing pressure on our southern border.

The claim that current border policies have “allowed criminals and deadly drugs into the U.S.” conveniently ignores the fact that drug smuggling and illegal immigration have persisted across Democratic and Republican administrations, including those of Trump, Bush, and even Reagan. The Biden administration not only enforces border laws but it has invested in modernizing border security technology, increased personnel, and enhanced cooperation with other countries to combat drug trafficking and human smuggling.

The effort to stem the flow of refugees across the Southern border was dealt a setback when the Senate reached a bipartisan border agreement after months of negotiations led by Oklahoma Republican James Lankford and Arizona Independent Kyrsten Sinema, only to have the deal derailed by Trump. Oklahoma’s GOP even censured Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) for leading bipartisan negotiations on border policy.

The is a screenshot of Donald Trump admitting to scuttling the bipartisan border deal.
Donald Trump admitting to scuttling the bipartisan border deal.

Trump vowed to kill the bipartisan border deal, declaring, “It’s not going to happen, and I’ll fight it all the way.” Trump wanted the border to continue to be an issue in the election. Trump loyalists like Speaker Johnson and Representative Langworthy fell in line.  Johnson called the deal “dead on arrival.” Despite Langworthy’s vocal concerns about the border, he ignored a bipartisan deal so that Trump could have a campaign issue.  Instead of supporting bipartisan solutions, he sponsors bills that demonize people of color, reflecting his party’s divisive and inhumane approach to immigration. 

Despite Republican obstructionism, President Biden issued Executive Orders that have dramatically reduced the flow of refugees over the Southern border. Undocumented crossings have reached a three-year low, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. 

Misleading Statement #3: VP Harris has a record of letting violent criminals off easy, including illegal immigrant drug dealers and bailing out violent offenders.”


The Truth: This is a typical Republican attack line—labeling Democrats as “soft on crime” while conveniently ignoring their own record of pardoning convicted felons. Former President Trump, for instance, pardoned numerous individuals with serious criminal convictions at the end of his term, including former Western New York Congressman Chris Collins, who was convicted of insider trading. This talking point also overlooks Vice President Harris’s robust record as California’s Attorney General from 2011 to 2017. In fact, many California liberals often criticized Harris for being too tough on crime, not too lenient.

Harris’s approach to law enforcement was marked by a strong commitment to public safety. She consistently prosecuted violent offenders and took significant steps to crack down on crime. For example, she spearheaded efforts to reduce truancy, which she recognized as a precursor to criminal behavior, and she established the Division of Recidivism Reduction and Reentry to tackle crime at its roots.

Her record also includes a firm stance against transnational gangs and drug trafficking organizations. Under her leadership, the Attorney General’s office prosecuted numerous cases involving drug dealers, including those who were undocumented immigrants. Contrary to the false claims that she was lenient on drug dealers, Harris’s actions demonstrated a clear commitment to public safety.

The narrative that Harris supported bailing out violent offenders is equally false. Vice President Harris advocated for reforms to the bail system, which is stacked against low-income individuals and people of color. These reforms ensure that people aren’t detained simply because they cannot afford bail, not to release dangerous criminals into the community.

Kamala Harris’s record as Attorney General reflects a balanced approach—she was dedicated to upholding the law, protecting communities, and advancing necessary reforms to create a more just  justice system. Her ability to attract criticism from both the left and right underscores her focus on justice over ideology.

The claim that Harris “let violent criminals off easy” is a gross distortion of her record, especially when juxtaposed with former President Trump’s 34 felony convictions. One might expect Trump’s MAGA supporters to prefer prosecutors who are soft on crime as his sentencing date approaches. But Vice President Harris is not soft on crime, as many who served time in California prisons under her tenure can attest.

Misleading Statement #4: VP Harris is the face of the administration’s weakness on the world stage, giving terrorist-supporting Iran access to $6 billion and shunning Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Truth: This is a blatant distortion and a misrepresentation of U.S. foreign policy under President Biden.

Firstly, the $6 billion in question is not a payment to Iran.  The $6 billion is Iran’s money frozen under U.S. sanctions. The money was released back to Iran as part of a brilliantly negotiated prisoner exchange. The Iranians got their money back with strict limitations on how it could be used. The U.S. Treasury is actively monitoring these funds to ensure they are utilized solely for humanitarian purposes, such as purchasing food, medicine, and other essential goods.

The notion that Iran is being handed $6 billion is entirely false; they are simply regaining access to their own money under tight restrictions. Claims that these funds are being returned without oversight ignore the intricate diplomacy involved in these negotiations and are deliberately misleading.

Secondly, the suggestion that Vice President Harris or the Biden administration is shunning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is equally unfounded. This narrative disregards the billions of dollars in military aid and support that the U.S. has provided to Israel under the Biden administration.

While 40 Democrats, one Republican, and prominent figures such as Republican Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance and Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris were absent during Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress, Vice President Harris subsequently held a private meeting with Netanyahu. The administration’s commitment to Israel’s security remains solid and unwavering, demonstrated through continued military assistance, intelligence sharing, and diplomatic backing on the global stage. Any assertion that the administration is weakening ties with Israel is a gross misrepresentation of the facts.

It is also crucial to recognize that the Biden-Harris administration has engaged in strategic diplomacy throughout the Middle East, to stabilize the region and reduce the threat of terrorism. This includes diplomatic efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions rather than pursuing aggressive tactics that could escalate into conflict. Diplomatic engagement with adversaries is a sign of strength, not weakness. It seeks to prevent further destabilization in an already volatile region.

The portrayal of Vice President Harris as the “face of weakness” is inaccurate and overlooks the complexities of international diplomacy. The administration’s actions, including those involving Iran and Israel, are part of a broader, carefully considered strategy to maintain global stability, protect U.S. interests, and support critical allies like Israel.

The out-of-power Republican Party including MAGA Republicans like Langworthy are free to make irresponsible statements, even those they know to be false. They don’t have the responsibility of overseeing American foreign policy. 

Finally, as reported by Ken Kruly in his outstanding blog, “Politics and Other Stuff,” several traditional Republicans are now supporting Kamala Harris for President.  The latest is Buffalo-area Republican Jack Quinn – former member of the House of Representatives from Western New York and then President of Erie Community College.  Ken says, “There is always a ‘Republicans for  …’ or a ‘Democrats for …’ in a campaign … but this one has legs.”

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