Picture of Joseph Zambon

Joseph Zambon

Joseph J. Zambon is a retired university professor, periodontist, microbiologist, senior administrator and Navy veteran. Navigating the politics of a large university prepared him to write about politics in Western New York.
This is a photo of Arlington cemetery

Trump Campaign Crosses the Line at Arlington National Cemetery: Disrespect and Law Violations Spark Outrage

Arlington National Cemetery is more than a cemetery; it symbolizes the sacrifices made by American service members. The sanctity of this hallowed place is preserved through federal laws and strict rules designed to maintain an atmosphere of reverence. These laws include highly restricted photography, particularly near the gravesites of those recently fallen. These regulations, backed by federal law, protect the dignity and privacy of these heroes and their families.

In a shocking display of disregard for one of the nation’s most sacred sites, the Trump campaign once again found itself embroiled in controversy involving the U.S. military. The incident at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday involved not only violations of federal law but also a verbal and physical assault on a female cemetery representative, sparking widespread condemnation from veterans’ groups, political leaders, and the public.

“verbal and physical altercation”

According to National Public Radio (NPR), a “verbal and physical altercation” occurred during Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Trump was invited to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony facilitated by Republican Speaker of the House Johnson. The ceremony marked the third anniversary of a suicide bombing at Abbey Gate near Kabul’s airport, which killed 13 U.S. service members during the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. A knowledgeable source told NPR that when a cemetery official attempted to stop Trump’s team from photographing and filming, two campaign staffers verbally abused and then shoved her aside.

Trump wanted to be shown at Arlington paying respects to American dead to counter accusations that he disrespects the U.S. military – which he does – and to reinforce his claims that the Biden administration was responsible for the American withdrawal.  Trump, in fact, negotiated with the Taliban to end American military involvement in Afghanistan, which occurred during the first year of the Biden administration. According to retired Army Lieutenant General and former Trump national security advisor H.R. McMaster, the Trump administration agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters as part of the withdrawal negotiations. McMaster said, “The whole premise of talking to the Taliban before you leave Afghanistan…why the heck were we even doing that?

Federal Law Prohibits Political Campaign Activities

In response to the incident, Arlington National Cemetery issued a statement emphasizing that “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators, or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign…Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.

However, the incident did not end there. The grave of SSGT Hoover, who was killed at Abbey Gate, was not the only one featured in the photos and videos from Trump’s visit. In one particularly troubling online image, the grave of an Army Special Forces soldier was shown without his family’s permission. Michele Marckesano said, “According to our conversation with Arlington National Cemetery, the Trump Campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to SSGT Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave.

Donald Trump After Conviction Announced
Donald Trump After Conviction Announced

Attack! Attack! Attack! and Deny! Deny! Deny!

The Trump campaign’s reaction was “attack, attack, attack” and “deny, deny, deny.” Not content with just the verbal and physical assault, the campaign launched a smear campaign against the cemetery official. Chris LaCivita, a senior advisor to Trump’s campaign, vilified the cemetery official, stating, “For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.” LaCivita, as you might recall from a previous post on this website, was responsible for the “Swiftboat” smears that undermined Vietnam War hero John Kerry’s presidential campaign. Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung added to the smear by falsely claiming that the cemetery official was “clearly suffering from a mental health episode.” (Cheung previously posted about Nikki Haley “She’s going to drop down to kiss ass when she quits, like she always does” – a classy guy!!)

Official U.S. Army Rebuke

In an unusual move, the U.S. Army issued an official statement rebuking the Trump campaign’s actions. The military rarely involves itself in political matters, but the Army decided that this incident warranted a strong response. The Army’s statement read, “Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations, and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside…This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism have been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve.

The ANC employee decided not to press charges for fear of being targeted by Trump supporters. She has nonetheless received an outpouring of support from veterans’ organizations and political leaders.

Criticism and Condemnation

Representative Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, a former Navy helicopter pilot, called Trump’s actions at Arlington “an absolute disgrace.

Representative Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts, a Marine combat veteran of Afghanistan, wrote on social media that these actions were “part of a pattern” and that Trump was “a draft-dodger who called American war dead ‘suckers & losers,’ attacked a Gold Star family & POW, & wants to cut veterans’ benefits.

VoteVets, a progressive veteran’s group, condemned the incident, posting, “This whole episode is sickening and [an] affront to all those hundreds of thousands of families who never agreed to allow their deceased loved ones to be dragged into politics.

Trump’s History of Disrespect to the Military

Trump’s behavior at Arlington National Cemetery is just the latest in a long history of disrespect for the U.S. military and its veterans. Trump called fallen soldiers “suckers and losers.” He said that the Presidential Medal of Freedom—an award for civilians—is “much better” than the Medal of Honor for military heroes, many of who gave their lives for our country. And he attacked a Gold Star family (parents whose son was killed in combat) and attacked prisoners of war like John McCain (Trump – “I like people who weren’t captured, okay?).

The Trump campaign released a letter accusing Democrat vice-presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz of exaggerating his 24 years of military service in the Army National Guard—24 years more than Trump served. Republican Representatives Ronny Jackson and Troy E. Nehls, who signed the letter attacking Gov. Walz, have been accused of exaggerating their own military service. Representative Jackson, for example, was reduced in rank from Rear Admiral to Captain following an investigation by the Navy that found he was abusive to subordinates.

These actions portray a man who consistently fails to honor the sacrifices made by those who serve. The violation of Arlington National Cemetery’s sanctity is a stark reminder of this ongoing disrespect. The American public, especially its veterans and their families, deserves better from those seeking to lead the nation.

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