This is a picture of candidates for NY22, Brandon Williams and John Mannion
These are the candidates for NY22 - Brandon Williams (I) and John Mannion

Brandon Williams, the freshman Republican running for re-election in New York’s 22nd District, representing Syracuse, Rome, and Utica, finds himself in a political bind. His actions and public record make it clear:

  1. Opposition to the Chips and Science Act: Williams criticized the Chips and Science Act as “a corporate welfare package for the profitable chip industry.” Yet, Micron is investing $100 billion in Syracuse, creating 9,000 direct jobs over 20 years, plus an additional 40,000 jobs in supply chain and construction. It’s the largest private investment in New York’s history. His opposition stands in stark contrast to the local economic benefits this project brings.
  2. High Staff Turnover: Williams has the third highest staff turnover rate out of all 435 members of Congress. With three chiefs of staff in nine months, this suggests significant issues managing his team, painting a picture of a challenging work environment.
  3. Extreme Right-Wing Rhetoric: In a conservative radio interview, Williams revealed extreme views, calling out so-called “leftist Marxists” and framing political opponents in stark ideological terms. This far-right stance alienates moderates and paints him as out of touch with his district’s more centrist voters.
  4. Opposition to Reproductive Rights: Williams’ stance on women’s reproductive rights is out of step with the majority in his district. According to Pew Research, 61% of men and 64% of women support legal abortion, making his views a liability in a district where most voters lean pro-choice.
  5. Public Outbursts: Williams has a history of losing his temper, as illustrated by a highly publicized incident where he confronted former staffer Michael Gordon at a Christmas party. Gordon feared for his safety during the encounter, reflecting poorly on Williams’ temperament and fitness for office.
  6. Facing a Redistricting Challenge: Williams is now running in a district with a 30,000 Democratic voter advantage, making his re-election prospects even more difficult as a far-right candidate in an increasingly blue district.

What’s Next for Williams?

With the Republicans holding a slim majority in the House, Williams’ seat is crucial. The GOP is fighting to keep control of the House, where committee chairs like James Comer have used their roles to advance partisan agendas, including the failed impeachment of the Secretary of Homeland Security and an attempt to impeach President Biden that fizzled when their star witness was indicted by the Department of Justice. The Williams’ campaign and the Republican National Campaign Committee are resorting to dirty tricks and dirty politics.

Williams vs. Mannion

Williams is up against John Mannion, who has the advantage of having helped secure Micron’s historic investment in Syracuse. Mannion’s success stands in sharp contrast to Williams, who opposed the Chips and Science Act, despite its clear benefits to his district.

Moreover, Williams’ contradictory stance is further complicated by the fact that his home state of Texas benefited from the same Chips Act he opposed during his 2022 run in New York. Texas Republicans have leveraged the act to attract chip manufacturers, raising questions about whether Williams’ opposition in New York reflects a conflict of interest or political opportunism.

Republican Strategy: Tear Down Mannion

Unable to run on his record, Williams and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) are falling back on the GOP’s go-to strategy: attack, attack, attack. With his favorability sinking and Cook Political Report rating NY-22 as D+3, the only Republican-held district in the country to lean Democrat, Williams and his allies are using dirty politics to smear Mannion.

Enter the Anonymous Letter

Ahead of the Democratic primary between Mannion and Sarah Klee Hood, an anonymous letter appeared on Medium, accusing Mannion of fostering a hostile work environment and engaging in “out of control yelling” and sexism during his time in the State Senate. These claims echoed the very behavior Williams himself displayed in his outburst against former staffer Gordon.

The letter, written by three former staffers who worked with Mannion between 2020 and 2022, offered little evidence to substantiate their claims. According to, the staffers had never filed complaints and had no records to support their allegations. Two of the letter writers had donated to Mannion’s opponent, and one had previously worked on Klee Hood’s 2022 campaign.

Mannion decisively won the primary, securing 62% of the vote, and was cleared of the accusations after a two-month investigation by an outside lawyer hired by the New York State Senate. Yet, Williams continues to push the allegations, suggesting that even though Mannion didn’t break Senate rules, the fact that former staffers made the claims should raise doubts. 

A Classic Dirty Politics Playbook

This strategy is nothing new. The GOP is using the same tactics that have been employed in smear campaigns for decades, from the “Canuck letter” targeting Senator Ed Muskie in the Nixon era to the dangerous “Pizzagate” conspiracy aimed at Hillary Clinton and, most recently, “Guardgate” smearing Governor Walz’s 24 years of honorable service in the Army National Guard. Now, they are applying the same dirty politics to John Mannion, trying to generate baseless doubts about his character just as they did in the past with other Democrats.

Who Benefits from the Smear Campaign?

The timing of the anonymous letter, appearing just before the Democratic primary, suggests that Mannion’s primary opponent, Sarah Klee Hood, had the most to gain. Klee denied being involved. “My campaign had no involvement in the staffers’ efforts to come forward.” With polling showing she had little chance of winning, the real beneficiaries are Brandon Williams and the NRCC.

By spreading these unverified allegations, the Williams campaign seeks to shift the focus away from his flaws, including his volatile behavior, extreme views, and opposition to key economic legislation that benefits his district. The rapid dissemination of the anonymous letter’s claims by right-wing media outlets, including the New York Post, which Rupert Murdoch owns, further indicates a coordinated effort to smear Mannion.

This is a classic example of dirty politics at work—an orchestrated campaign to distract voters from Williams’ record and weaken his opponent through unsubstantiated and anonymous accusations.


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